Your Weekly Activity from FLOCK – Think like Jeff Bezos

 In Blog, Company Culture, Weekly Activities

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Welcome to Your FLOCK. This is a quick activity that will help you strengthen your core value of Adaptability. For Your Company Culture. 

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Think like Jeff Bezos

This is a quick guide on how to strengthen your core value of Adaptability. The activity is called Think like Jeff Bezos. It describes the thought process of Jeff Bezos during his decision-making.

Let’s get started! Are you ready? This exercise will impact your decision-making thought process.

Let’s get started!


Activity Description

Step 1

Jeff Bezos claims that there are only two types of decisions you can make: Type 1 and Type 2.


Step 2

Type 1 decisions are not reversible, and you have to be very careful making them. 

Type 2 decisions are like walking through a door — if you don’t like the decision, you can always go back.


Step 3

Once you have identified the decision type you are faced with, you can behave accordingly.

With Type 1 decisions, try to get a 3rd perspective and find help to make the best decision you can take at the time. 

With Type 2 decisions, you can save time and follow your instinct as you can reverse it later.


About Your FLOCK…

Use our Digital Coach to learn and get better with quick weekly activities tailored to your core values. Your FLOCK uses research-based technology to create your unique Value Profile and become a better leader by doing our quick activities every week.

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