Your Weekly Activity from FLOCK – A letter from your customer

 In Blog, Company Culture, Weekly Activities

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A letter from your customer

The most successful businesses around the globe achieve their success thanks to being obsessed with their customer needs and solving their problems. 

This activity is called: A letter from your customer.

Understanding and analyzing your customer perspective will help you produce work that has a significant impact on the bottom line.

This exercise should take you about 15 minutes today.


Activity Description

Step 1

Write down the latest interaction you had with your clients. 

If you are not client-facing ask your colleagues to share their stories.

Step 2

Now, based on this story write a letter that your client could have written to you based on the interaction that you had.

Focus on how your interaction made their day better, praise your best points. At the end of the letter list a few pointers on how his interaction could have been even better.

Step 3

Now, this story shows you what your clients really want from you. Share this story with your colleagues to share what your clients really need from you.

If you have time, write 2 more letters and see if there are any patterns.


Your customer feedback score has stagnated over the past couple of months and you want to improve it. What do you do?

  1. Set up customer workshops to find out more about their needs
  2. Write ‘a letter from my customer’ and share it with my colleagues as the best practice
  3. Call my clients and ask how we could improve our services


Any engagement with clients can help you with the improvement of your services. Workshops and direct interactions will certainly help you find more insights, however, you might find it challenging to organise a time when all stakeholders are available.

A letter from your customer is a light-touch exercise that helps you leverage the knowledge you already have and use it as a template and a reminder for the best practice


About Your FLOCK…

Use our Digital Coach to learn and get better with quick weekly activities tailored to your core values. Your FLOCK uses research-based technology to create your unique Value Profile and become a better leader by doing our quick activities every week.

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