How Does Employee Engagement Drive Growth?

 In Blog, Employee Engagement

How does Employee Engagement Drive Growth?

Employee engagement points to the commitment and emotional connection. Employees have to their organization and work, which eventually determines business unit achievement.Employees are engaged when their work and #company’s culture align with their motives and values motivating them to exercise discretionary effort.

For business and HR leaders in 2021, employee engagement will be a top priority as many companies continue to operate remotely for the foreseeable future. When leading #remote teams, how do employee engagement drive growth?

  1. Increased Employee safety

Because #engaged employees are more connected to their workplaces, they’re more familiar of their surroundings. Research has shown that 70% fewer safety incidents occur in greatly engaged workplaces. Instead of worrying about whether there’s room for improvement or whether their boss likes them, engaged employees can focus on the assigned work.

  1. Significant Employee Fulfilment

Employee fulfilment is different than employee engagement. Employee fulfilment measures a minimum level, while engagement tries to get everyone to achieve greater. But, this difference doesn’t mean employee satisfaction shouldn’t be a goal.

Thirteen percent of Americans are somewhat unsatisfied or very unsatisfied with their current job. And you can bet that wouldn’t be the case if those employees were engaged.

People #working from home and #remote working are not always able to feel that engaged with the company culture. You can use Your FLOCK to flag those who aren’t engaged in the company.

  1. Greater Employee Well-Being

Engaged employees are:

  • Less likely to be obese.
  • Less likely to suffer from chronic disease.
  • More likely to eat healthier.
  • More likely to exercise.

You may be asking yourself but why? Engaged companies tend to show more respect for employees’ needs. Supporting, and encouraging employees to accordingly care for their well-being. Think policies like flexible schedules, fresh fruits and veggies in the break room, and company-sponsored road races. Healthy employees provide various benefits for an organization.

  1. Better Home Life

Engaged employees have happier home lives, according to a Kansas State study. Satori’s Culbertson, one of the researchers on this study states:

“[…] individuals who were engaged in positive experiences at work and who shared those experiences with significant others perceived themselves as better able to deal with issues at home, became better companions, and became more effective overall in the home environment.”

In other words, engaged employees are beneficial to more than just your workplace. They are beneficial to their families, too. They don’t complain about their job to a significant other, have the energy to play with the kids after work, and typically share to a positive home atmosphere.

  1. Less Absenteeism

Especially when working from home. Engaged employees are committed in their job and care about the success of their team. Engaged employees are more committed in an organisation mission. Ensuring they ‘show up’ every day to make it happen.

  1. Higher Employee Loyalty

As a leader, only you can control your loyalty to employees. We’ve personally seen so many managers get wrapped up trying to ‘fix’ employee behaviour. That seems like the job of a boss. However, it’s not. As a leader your job is to focus on what you can do to bring the best out of your employees and team. When employees are more engaged, they will stick around.

  1. Greater Productivity

Research shows that #engaged employees are 17% more productive than their peers. Engaged employees are more likely to work delicately and increase discretionary effort in their jobs. Boost productivity, and innovation.

Today, businesses need innovation to stay lively and successful. But to increase innovation, your managers need to act as coaches. Yet, one in five employees is not confident their manager will provide regular, constructive feedback. Prioritizing consistent, real-time feedback will help challenge your employees to develop new and improved ideas, solutions, and products—all leading to increased productivity.

  1. Greater Retention

When employees can’t apply their strengths, don’t feel challenged, or don’t enjoy their work (all  an indication of low engagement). They’re more likely to leave their current employer.

With the world’s first employee engagement tool powered by Your values which helps you identify your disengaged team members so YOU can take action. Your employees don’t have a reason to look elsewhere for work.

  1. Higher Sales

Highly engaged organizations see an average of 20% higher sales than their disengaged counterparts. Recent research suggests that the same manager behaviours that drive engagement also simultaneously drive business results. Check out Your FLOCK which helps you discover people’s shared values. Increasing Employees Engagement with the Company Culture. Especially when they are working from home or #remote working.

  1. Happier Employees

Organizations that are highly engaged don’t have to shift to mechanisms like peer pressure, termination, or other high-stress behaviours to motivate employees. Instead, these organizations use practices like employee recognition, one-on-one meetings, and 360 feedback to drive performance.

With Your FLOCK you can ensure your remote team can give the feedback they need to. Whilst they work from home. With the weekly ability to check on how you can improve as a team.

Curious how the world’s first employee engagement tool will help your organization identify your disengaged team members?

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Why is Employee Engagement Important? 14 Benefits Backed By Research (

How Americans view their jobs | Pew Research Center

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