The Importance of Feedback for Keeping Employees Motivated and Productive

 In Blog

Do you want to get the best out of your employees in the most effective way possible?

One of the most important aspects of keeping employees motivated and engaged is providing them with effective feedback.

As was said by TED Speaker Tricia Brouk: 

“The most important thing about feedback is to use it to start a real and honest conversation”.

As a team leader, having a good understanding of what drives and motivates your employees can be key to success and strong team performance. Giving employees frequent and meaningful feedback can be one of the most powerful ways to help them stay motivated, engaged, and productive.

It not only helps them understand their performance and how to improve it but also helps them understand what you think and feel about their work.

Why is feedback important?

Feedback can also provide to employees essential information about their job responsibilities and expectations. For them to stay encouraged, you need to make sure they know they’re appreciated, and that you respect their contributions.

This means that honest and constructive feedback can go a long way in helping employees feel respected and empowered. Taking the time to realize and thank them for their hard work is a great way to show your respect for them and boost their motivation.

Use technology to your advantage

Your FLOCK platform has been specially built to achieve this goal because it provides regular feedback, and it can help employees to stay on track, be aware of expectations, and remain motivated. Access the link and test it with your team!

It’s also important to stay connected with the employees and get to know them on a more personal level. Getting to know each of your team members can help you better understand their work habits, challenges, success stories, and unique strengths.

Taking time to celebrate successes, no matter how small, can be an incredibly effective way to foster an environment of recognition. At the end of the day, providing employees with feedback and showing your appreciation for their work will do wonders in keeping them productive.

Want to learn more about how your company can be a place where people LOVE to work?

Your FLOCK is proud to announce 3 groundbreaking speakers from award-winning companies: Julie Chadwick, Malin (Roy) Cunningham, and Dr. Emma (Baker) Langman FRSA.

Learn more about the speakers here and join the online event “How to make your agency somewhere people will LOVE to work”, which will take place on 15 February 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00.

Alternatively, connect through the Linkedin link:

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