Your Weekly Activity from Your FLOCK – 2 Commitment Questions

 In Blog, Company Culture

This is a quick activity called 2 Commitment Questions that will help you strengthen your core value of Teamwork in Your Company Culture. 

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2 Commitment Questions

Most of us are social beings, we enjoy interactions with others, and working together. However, sometimes our social urge can get in the way of having a productive team.

This exercise will help you better select tasks you work on to ensure you nurture productive relationships when working with others.


Activity Description

Step 1

Write down all the projects you are planning to work on this month.

Step 2

Ask yourself 2 questions below regarding every project you work on:

  1. Does this project help me reach my objectives? 
  2. Is my involvement significantly adding value to the quality of the output?

Step 3

Now, if you have answered ‘No’ to any of the questions above regarding any project you work on, you might want to reconsider your involvement. 

By leaving projects you don’t significantly add value to, you save time and help people you work with be a more productive team collectively.


While working overtime might work sometimes, it can lead to burn-out in the long term. 

It may be that some of the people you work with have more bandwidth and can pick up your work. Asking yourself 2 Commitment questions before joining any project to identify your priorities and create more productive collaborations.


About Your FLOCK…

Use our Digital Coach to learn and get better with quick weekly activities tailored to your core values. Your FLOCK uses research-based technology to create your unique Value Profile and become a better leader by doing our quick activities every week.

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