Your Weekly Activity from FLOCK – Appreciation Week

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Get Better & Learn with Weekly Activities at Your FLOCK.

Welcome to Your FLOCK. This is a quick activity that will help you strengthen your core value of Recognition in Your Company Culture. 

You can find more WEEKLY ACTIVITIES tailored to your core values by LOGGING INTO your personal dashboard here.


Appreciation Week

All humans have something called a reward system composed of their brain neurons that releases dopamine (a happiness hormone) when being rewarded.

 And having more dopamine makes you more productive!

This exercise will help you stimulate the dopamine systems of people you work with as well as your own.

Activity Description

Step 1

At the end of every day. Look back at the work one of your colleagues/partners/clients has done and list one thing you find the most impressive.

Step 2

Before you end your working day send a short appreciation message to them congratulating them on their achievement.

Step 3

Notice how your relationship with people you have selected changes and whether they send the appreciation back to you!


About Your FLOCK…

Use our Digital Coach to learn and get better with quick weekly activities tailored to your core values. Your FLOCK uses research-based technology to create your unique Value Profile and become a better leader by doing our quick activities every week.

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