Top 5 Ted Talks about Company Culture and Leadership at a Workplace.

 In Company Culture

We love sharing quality content with our audience. We have listed some of the best Ted Talks about Company Culture, Leadership, and Diversity at work.

We hope you enjoy them and become as inspired as we did.

1- Regina Hartley- Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume.


Great talk about the importance to give a chance to ‘Scrappers’ – people who succeeded against the odds even though they come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Regina is one of the ‘Scrappers’ and she achieved success due to something she calls a post-dramatic growth derived from embracing adversity and allowing it to shape ourselves into who we are. In her eyes, passion and purpose are the secret weapons that help the underestimated contender to achieve success. She says – ‘Hire the Scrapper’ based on the commitment and passion to raise performance.

What the talk here!

2- Simon Sinek – Why good leaders make you feel safe?. What makes a great leader?


In the military, we reward people who sacrifice themselves so others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who sacrifice others so they can gain. Why is it so dramatically fliped backward for us!? The answer lies within the concepts trust, cooperation, and safety. If we feel that others would sacrifice themselves for us we are willing to do so as well. It is the leader’s job to create this safe environment for employees so we can all holistically achieve great things. Fantastic talk from Simon Sinek!

Watch the talk here!


3- Culture as Competitive Advantage: Joanne Smith at TEDxSanLuisObispo


Joanne Smith points out that the key to raising performance is something called group innovation. The foundation of group innovation is made of culture. It is the shared beliefs and values of employees that create the unique competitive advantage of companies. She shows how by leveraging culture, companies can attract great employees, bring in new customers, increase staff productivity, and build an aligned strategy that fits well with the company’s core values.

Watch the talk here!


4- Unconscious Behaviors in Corporate Culture


Lindsey Selfdiscusses the issue of gender inequality. She acknowledges that the positive change is happening, a more diverse working environment is being promoted across industries, however, she also mentions that we need to do more… Amazing talk elaborating on unconscious bias nurtured by bad cultures and the need for corporate education of unconscious bias to holistically raise companies’ performance.

Watch the talk here!

5- The Secret to Building a Healthy & Happy Workplace | Wolter Smit | TEDxBrighton



The talk answers the following question – The why do you have a ‘shitty’ job? Wolter runs a company where all employees are happy at their jobs. He claims he achieved it with a very careful approach in hiring. They spend four hours interviewing their candidates to identify their achievements they are proud of. Then, he emphasises the importance of nurturing talent once hired and ingraining the company core values into the everyday life of employees. Highly recommend this one as well!


Watch the talk here!


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