Employee engagement is an increasingly important factor for the future success of businesses in 2023 and beyond.

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Employee engagement is an increasingly important factor for the future success of businesses in 2023 and beyond. There has been a growing recognition in recent years that employee engagement can have a tremendous impact on profitability, productivity, and overall corporate success.

By 2023, companies that don’t prioritise employee engagement will be at a distinct disadvantage.


Employee engagement is heavily linked to job satisfaction and productivity, and it plays a major role in employee retention. Companies that fail to foster an engaging work environment may quickly find themselves at a competitive disadvantage, as engaged employees are proven to contribute more than their disengaged counterparts. Furthermore, companies with high levels of engagement are more likely to be attractive employers to top talent, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Engaged employees also lead to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Research has shown that customer service improves when customers interact with staff who are engaged and motivated in their work. Additionally, when staff members feel valued and appreciated, they’re more likely to be positive ambassadors for the company which can help cultivate loyalty among long-time customers.



On top of this, businesses that prioritise engagement have greater financial success than those that do not. A study by Gallup found that companies in the top quartile for employee engagement earned up to 22 percent more than those in the bottom quartile.

This is likely due to the fact that engaged employees are more likely to go above and beyond for the company, leading to increased productivity and efficiency which can add up to long-term financial gains.

The bottom line is that employee engagement is a key factor for success in 2023 and beyond. Companies should prioritise creating an engaging work environment where employees feel valued, appreciated and motivated to do their best work.

This will help them stay competitive, attract talented employees and ultimately increase profits. Which is great for your company culture and the success of the business. 

Employee engagement is one of the most important things your company can do to create a better work environment. 


And if you don’t do it right, it can actually have negative consequences. Here are five of the most common dangers of not engaging your employees:

1 Increased absenteeism.

When employees aren’t engaged, they’re more likely to stay home instead of coming in to work. This can lead to increased absenteeism and a decrease in productivity.

2. Reduced motivation.

When employees don’t feel motivated, they’re less likely to put in the extra effort to accomplish tasks. This can lead to a decrease in efficiency and quality in the workplace.

3. Increased stress.

When employees are stressed out, they’re less likely to concentrate and perform well. This can lead to tension and conflict in the workplace.

4. Increased turnover.

When employees feel disengaged, they’re more likely to leave your company for a better opportunity. This can lead to increased turnover and a loss of precious skills and expertise.

5. Reduced morale.

When employees feel disengaged, they’re less likely to be enthusiastic about their work. This can lead to a decrease in morale and a loss of enthusiasm for your company.

By engaging your employees, you can avoid these negative consequences. Our people support platform can help you get the employee feedback that you need. Which is both effective and enjoyable for your employees so they help you develop your company culture. 


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