Anne-Cécile Graber is a Your FLOCK adviser for our 2021 product. Learning and Development Advisor

    Anne-Cécile Graber is a Your FLOCK adviser for our 2021 product.

    As she says herself – we can all whilst working from home and remote working… We can all….

    Benefit from the diversity of your team to efficiently build solid projects.

    And that’s what we are doing at YourFLOCK and what Ann-Cecile is helping with.

    She helps diverse teams to achieve their results. For this, she offers online and face-to-face workshop facilitation, training and coaching in French, English and German.

    Projects incude:

    > Facilitation of bootcamps in English, German and French.
    > Trainings in change management
    > Trainings in intercultural communication

    Ann Cecile helps you IF are the manager of a diverse team and:

    You feel tensions in your team.
    Your team needs to adapt quickly to a change.
    Your vision lacks clarity to get the results you want.
    You wonder how to unify your team towards a common goal.

    You make efforts to communicate. Yet you waste your time, energy and budget without getting closer to your goal.

    It is by sharing your perspectives that you will find unique and scalable solutions. She is convinced that the combined knowledge and skills of your team members will allow you to redefine your goals and achieve them together. To do so, she accompanies teams rich in diversity (intercultural and interdisciplinary) during change through workshop facilitation, coaching and training. She transmits her positive energy with a humanistic, optimistic and committed spirit.

    Into everything she does. Something we can agree with here at YourFLOCK. 

    As she says on LinkedIn:

    “My clients describe me as dynamic, humorous and creative.
    I ensure that you achieve your goals with a human-centered approach.
    If you are a manager of international teams and want to increase your impact tenfold. Let’s exchange!”

    Anne Cecile is great and helps Your FLOCK build the Your FLOCK Activities for our members.

    To help them with their personal development and team / company culture creation whilst they remote work or work from home.


    Go to today.

    WANT TO LEARN MORE about our learning and development advisor.  Click below.

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