Michelle Webb is one our learning and development advisers at YourFLOCK Learning and Development Advisor

    Michelle Webb is one our learning and development advisers at YourFLOCK

    Whilst working from home she is busy creating Award-winning Programs & Tackling Big Challenges | Organizational Development | Leadership Development | Learning & Development | Consulting | Coaching

    As Michelle says:

    “Sir Ken Robinson brilliantly stated, “For most of us, the problem isn’t that we aim too high and fail. It’s just the opposite: We aim too low and succeed.” All too often, this is because we are too narrowly focused, haven’t asked the right (or big enough) question, or are not bringing others along on the journey.”

    Michelle helps Your FLOCK aim higher with our new product for working from home professionals in 2021. 

    As a collaborative, and highly curious learning innovator, Michelle has spent the last several years using her diverse background and insights from research to identify the right questions to be asked, conduct research on how those problems might be solved, and experiment to prove business and personal impact of the interventions.

    This has led to improved virtual collaboration experiences, more authentic development of soft skills (VR for Inclusion & Diversity), improved learning effectiveness, and identified ways to improve leadership development and succession planning for the leaders we need now and in the future.

    These and other research areas have allowed her to be involved in strategic programs across the organization as a program manager, consultant, and learning experience advocate. Which is why she is so amazing for Your FLOCK.

    She has  collaborated to transform how we approach the ecosystems of work and learning to be more human, more effective, and impactful. This has included embedding science-based principles in every aspect of the employee experience and consulting with teams to identify and test specific approaches they can use to overcome barriers and orthodoxies to create transformative learning experiences that drive work and personal success.

    And the results speak for themselves:

    for a strategy program a 15% increase in overall performance,

    for an inclusion & diversity experience a 95% engagement rate,

    and a substantial uptick of self-directed learning behaviors.

    She is fascinated by the opportunities that today’s world puts in front of us: new insights into how we learn, emerging technologies that support the flow of work, and a high degree of focus on mental well-being.

    Through the depth and breadth of her experience – from program management of a diverse team to strategy work – she has deep insights in how we can make how we learn and work better and more effective. Which is what we are all about at YourFLOCK – whilst you work from home in your remote working teams. 


    Go to www.YourFLOCK.co.uk today.

    WANT TO LEARN MORE about our learning and development advisor.  Click here. 


    FLOCK. For #RemoteWorking Team Culture. - A #company culture mapping tool based on employee values. | Product Hunt Embed